The 16" Bohdran Special Offer by Malachy Keanrs. This bodhran is hand crafted in Connemara by the master Bohdran craftsman Malachy Kearns. This special offers includes, one Bodhran case with 4 beaters, wooden musical spoons and tutor book included. On an old Franciscan Monastery in Roundstone, developed by the Industrial Development Authority, Malachy Kearns, better known as Malachy Bodhrán amongst folk musicians, works at his craft of making Ireland’s oldest product the Bodhrán (Bow-Rawn). It is an 16" one sided drum made from Goatskin treated by a traditional process. – Irish Bodhran’s delivered Worldwide – Award Winning Irish Bodhran’s – Ireland’s Master Bodhran maker – Celebrating over 45 years of craftmanship. – Made in Ireland
The 16" Plain Bohdran Special Offer by Malachy Keanrs. This bodhran is hand crafted in Connemara by the master Bohdran craftsman Malachy Kearns. This special offers includes, one Bodhran case with 4 beaters, wooden musical spoons and tutor book included. On an old Franciscan Monastery in Roundstone, developed by the Industrial Development Authority, Malachy Kearns, better known as Malachy Bodhrán amongst folk musicians, works at his craft of making Ireland’s oldest product the Bodhrán (Bow-Rawn). It is an 16" one sided drum made from Goatskin treated by a traditional process. – Irish Bodhran’s delivered Worldwide – Award Winning Irish Bodhran’s – Ireland’s Master Bodhran maker – Celebrating over 45 years of craftmanship. – Made in Ireland
Bodhran 16" Double Crests Wedding Gift. Please note: As you proceed now to checkout, you will notice an area to select the Bodhran crest. Please leave a note re: family crest - name you require and any comment.
The 16" Celtic Bohdran Special Offer by Malachy Keanrs. This bodhran is hand crafted in Connemara by the master Bohdran craftsman Malachy Kearns. This special offers includes, one Bodhran case with 4 beaters, wooden musical spoons and tutor book included. On an old Franciscan Monastery in Roundstone, developed by the Industrial Development Authority , Malachy Kearns, better known as Malachy Bodhrán amongst folk musicians, works at his craft of making Ireland’s oldest product the Bodhrán (Bow-Rawn). It is an 16" one sided drum made from Goatskin treated by a traditional process. – Irish Bodhran’s delivered Worldwide – Award Winning Irish Bodhran’s – Ireland’s Master Bodhran maker – Celebrating over 45 years of craftmanship. – Made in Ireland
The Malachy Kearns Bodhrán 14" with Celtic Design - (Tutor Book and free Beater included). Limited Stock Available. Malachy Kearns has been making Irish Bodhrans since 1970’s. His work in professional Bodhran making in Ireland . On an old Franciscan Monastery in Roundstone, developed by the Industrial Development Authority, Malachy Kearns, better known as Malachy Bodhrán amongst folk musicians, works at his craft of making Ireland’s oldest product the Bodhrán (Bow-Rawn). It is an 16″ one sided drum made from Goatskin treated by a traditional process. – Irish Bodhran’s delivered Worldwide – Award Winning Irish Bodhran’s – Ireland’s Master Bodhran maker – Celebrating over 45 years of craftmanship – Made in Ireland
The Malachy Kearns Bodhrán 14" Plain Skin Limited Stock Available Malachy Kearns has been making Irish Bodhrans since 1970’s. His work in professional Bodhran making in Ireland . On an old Franciscan Monastery in Roundstone, developed by the Industrial Development Authority, Malachy Kearns, better known as Malachy Bodhrán amongst folk musicians, works at his craft of making Ireland’s oldest product the Bodhrán (Bow-Rawn). It is an 16″ one sided drum made from Goatskin treated by a traditional process. – Irish Bodhran’s delivered Worldwide – Award Winning Irish Bodhran’s – Ireland’s Master Bodhran maker – Celebrating over 45 years of craftmanship – Made in Ireland
Beginners pack - Bodhran, case, book & DVD, extra beater. Introducing our Beginner's Pack with everything you need to get started as a bodhran player. A Quality 16" bodhran with this intricate Celtic design, a carry case, a tutor book and DVD and an extra beater. Makes a great present.
8" Bodhran - With Child's Name and Date (includes shipping). Please note: As you proceed now to checkout, you will notice an area to select the Bodhran crest. Please leave a note re: family crest - name you require and any comment.
16" Bodhran with Family Crest, includes Shipping Worldwide. Rare price for first 50 Bodhrans ordered.
16" bodhran with Corporate Logo - Message. Multi language Tutor book and beater included.
14" Bodhran with portrait of child, limited offer - 14" Bodhran with portrait of child, name, date. Please note: As you proceed now to checkout, you will notice an area to select the Bodhran crest. Please leave a note re: family crest - name you require and any comment.